The Books

Photo of The Age of Ausra book cover

“The Age of Ausra”

The Age of Ausra book series is a science fiction satire that predicts the impact and outcome of systematic manipulation of information by society's elite. The Age of Ausra is heavily influenced by, and runs parallel to, the story and evolution of Americana rock music.

Photo of The Pi Kappa Phi Killer book cover

“The Pi Kappa Phi Killer”

The Pi Kappa Phi Killer is a true crime story about a frat boy turned serial killer, told from the perspective of the fraternity of which he was a member. The author, Rick Hansen, was a fraternity brother of the killer who was ultimately sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Photo of the King of Drones book cover

“King of Drones”

On February 22, 2022, Ukraine was attacked by Russia, its infinitely more powerful neighbor to the east. Out-gunned and out-manned, Ukraine was forced to defend itself using unconventional means, which slowed the Russian onslaught and forever changed the nature of modern warfare. King of Drones, the first of a series written by Sir Carlton Lawrence, is a fact-based fictional story interlocked with these real events.

Photo of the Meridian book cover


This science fiction book by Bama Sound is based on an actual unsolved cold case involving the serial murderer known as the I-70 Killer. The author conscripts an unwitting and most unusual task force and compels them to return to the various crime scenes to finally solve the case. Its shocking resolution satisfyingly blends justice with vengeance.